We must stand together: A message from Gregory J. Hayes, Chairman and CEO

The following is a memo sent by Gregory J. Hayes to Raytheon Technologies employees on June 1st.

Colleagues –

Over the weekend, we witnessed protest and unrest in many of our cities, and I want to address it directly. 

The death of George Floyd was the result of a reprehensible act. Although authorities are taking action to ensure justice, the national response and global dialogue related to Mr. Floyd’s death point to a serious issue ― and we must not look away. We must take notice. We have to respond clearly that racism, discrimination and hatred will not be tolerated. We must take this moment to embrace the fundamental values that unite us.

The pandemic environment has shown us what we can accomplish when we stand together. As we continue to build a culture of inclusion that supports diversity in its broadest sense, let the tragedy of Mr. Floyd’s death remind us that there is no room for abuse of power and that we have to seek to understand experiences and perspectives that are different from our own. Complex issues raise difficult questions and conversations. Mutual trust and respect will guide the path forward as we build a more diverse and inclusive global community.

With respect for all.
