At RTX, we are inspired and guided by our values: Safety, Trust, Respect, Accountability, Collaboration and Innovation. Our values should always inform our thoughts, words, actions and behaviors. In that way, they help us create the future we want to experience — and the culture we need to get us there.
When employees, contractors and business partners observe or suspect something that conflicts with our values, the Code of Conduct, company policies or laws and regulations, we encourage them to speak up and report it.
How to ask a question or raise a concern:
The RTX Speak Up Helpline is an anonymous reporting channel for all stakeholders to report any type of issue or concern – from product quality and safety to management practices. Anyone who retaliates against a reporter will be subject to discipline.
Speak Up Helpline

- Contact the Speak Up Helpline by web
- Contact the Speak Up Helpline by phone
- Within the U.S. & Canada: 1-800-423-0210
- Phone numbers for outside the U.S. and Canada
RTX has zero tolerance for retaliation of activities that impact good-faith reporting, and anyone engaging in retaliatory behavior is subject to disciplinary actions.
Resources and initiatives
The RTX Global Ethics & Compliance organization is here to provide support to the company and individual employees with navigating the complexities of the global business environment in alignment with our values.
RTX Code of Conduct
“Act with Integrity,” the RTX Code of Conduct, is intended to inspire, guide and support our best performance – individually and collectively. The Code provides information about how we should conduct our business and hold ourselves to the highest standards of business conduct. Setting standards in line with our values, the Code helps us to build a strong ethical culture and guides us to achieve our business goals with integrity.
Accounting, Internal Controls or Auditing Matters
If you have an accounting, internal control, audit or other financial matter that you believe should be elevated to the Board of Directors, you may submit a confidential communication for the Audit Committee (you may submit anonymously if you wish). Communications that are within the purview of the Audit Committee will be reviewed by the company’s Global Ethics & Compliance office and reported to the Audit Committee.
To submit a communication, please click here.
In writing:
RTX Corporation Audit Committee
c/o RTX Global Ethics & Compliance
RTX Corporation
1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209
Contact the Board of Directors
If you have a comment or concern that you believe is not appropriate for the Audit Committee to address, you may submit a confidential communication for the RTX Board of Directors Lead Director (you may submit anonymously if you wish). Communications that are within the purview of the Board of Directors will be reviewed by the Corporate Secretary’s office and reported to the Lead Director.
To submit a confidential communication, please click here.
In writing:
RTX Corporation Board of Directors
c/o RTX Corporate Secretary
RTX Corporation
1000 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209
Assessment of U.S. Department of Energy Financial Conflicts of Interest
RTX provides guidelines to ensure the design, conduct, and reporting of research funded by the U.S. Department of Energy will not be biased by any conflicting financial interest of an investigator. To view the RTX guidelines, which comply with the U.S. Department of Energy Interim Conflict of Interest policy, please click here.
Ombuds Program
The Ombuds program is a confidential, informal, neutral resource that assists employees with options to resolve work-related concerns. The Ombuds program is not a reporting channel; however, Ombuds can provide guidance on how to report a concern.
To confidentially contact the Ombuds online.
To contact the Ombuds confidentially by phone within the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico: 1-800-871-9065
If you are calling from outside the U.S., Canada or Puerto Rico, please remember to dial the AT&T Direct number to the U.S. first.
How we manage enterprise risk
At RTX, we aim to be world-class in everything we do — including our compliance with U.S. and other national laws. Every employee is responsible for ensuring that our business is conducted in compliance with these laws and with our Code of Conduct. Our Enterprise Risk Management assessments measure compliance risks, deploy risk mitigation plans and track implementation for five key areas:
RTX has an aggressive antitrust compliance program that promotes and protects competition. We prohibit actions and behavior that support a company’s monopoly or unreasonably restrains competition.
RTX does not offer or accept bribes, kickbacks, facilitating payments or anything of value that could improperly influence — or appear to influence — a business decision. Doing so is in direct conflict with our commitment to fair competition. We compete on the merits of our products, services and people each and every day.
Data Privacy and Security
RTX is committed to protecting the personal and proprietary information of its customers, employees, contractors and business partners.
Government Contracts
RTX focuses on competing fairly, delivering quality products and services, adhering to government accounting and pricing requirements, and the timely and accurate submission of data to the government.
Global Trade
As a leading U.S. importer and supplier of controlled products and technologies to the U.S. Department of Defense, other national defense establishments, and various domestic and international customers, RTX is committed to conducting business in full compliance with all U.S. and other national laws and regulations governing exports, imports, anti-boycotts, economic sanctions and embargoes.
In accordance with recent sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, United Kingdom and others, we have suspended operations in Russia and suspended all sales and support services to Russia’s civil aviation industry.
How we pursue anti-corruption initiatives
RTX strives to earn the respect of our customers and shareholders based on the quality of our products and services as well as how we do business. We face a wide range of business and compliance risks, including those associated with corruption.
It is the policy of RTX to ensure compliance by its leaders, employees and covered persons, including representatives, consultants and other contracted third parties, with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), the U.K. Bribery Act and all other relevant anti-corruption laws. RTX has a zero tolerance policy for corrupt behavior.
In standing by our principles and values, we fight corruption and support the global development of fair markets. Our success relies on abiding by our core principles — regardless of what might be seen as customary or acceptable in a given market.
Our commitment to anti-corruption includes the following:
Winning Business Solely on the Merits
RTX conducts all of its business solely on the merits. We will not bribe anyone to obtain or retain business or secure any other advantage, nor allow anyone to do so for our benefit, in any market — public or private — anywhere. As a general rule, employees cannot seek or accept any payments from anyone doing business with or seeking to do business with RTX.
Books and Records
RTX maintains accurate and transparent books and records. All assets, liabilities and transactions must be promptly and accurately reflected, and RTX employees are strictly prohibited from ever making a deliberately false or misleading entry in our books and records, no matter how small or immaterial. RTX maintains a robust monitoring program to ensure that all of our businesses are upholding these nonnegotiable requirements.
Third-Party Intermediaries
Our third-party intermediaries are subject to similar rules and will be selected after a robust due diligence process aimed at confirming their good business practices. Once on board, they will be trained and monitored. Intermediaries engaged in advocacy and sales on our behalf have limited-term contracts, which cannot be renewed without a refreshed assessment.
Support of Industry Best Practices
RTX has a demonstrated commitment to various global anti-corruption initiatives, including the Global Principles of Business Ethics for the Aerospace and Defense Industry, the International Forum on Business Ethical Conduct (IFBEC) and the Defense Industry Initiative (DII). These initiatives and industry organizations focus on sharing best practices and enhancing ethics and business conduct among defense and aerospace companies.
Every RTX employee receives annual ethics and compliance training. Anti-corruption compliance is shared through written communication, video-based training, live training, and targeted online and in-person training for high-risk personnel with messages encouraging employees to identify issues, ask questions and raise concerns without the fear of retaliation, emphasizing the importance of training, and providing guidance on areas of particular concern to help all employees understand key anti-corruption responsibilities and their personal role in guaranteeing compliance with anti-corruption laws.
RTX regularly assesses and reviews the implementation and sustainment of its anti-corruption controls and continually reviews and assesses our anti-corruption policies, training and practices.
Reporting and Investigations
In conducting investigations, RTX is objective, thorough and balanced. In managing risk, RTX is conservative and data-driven. We communicate lessons learned from investigations and apply robust processes and practices for continuous improvement and risk reduction.
Contact the DoD Hotline