Enhanced Automated Graphical Logistics Environment
EAGLE is an integrated logistics support software system from Raytheon that provides program support throughout its lifespan. The EAGLE product suite can be used to build and maintain logistics data; create reports; and produce and manage data used to create technical manuals, and support fielded systems through operations and maintenance.
Who is EAGLE?
As the leader in Logistics Support Analysis software since our first commercial sale in 1999, we are focused on exceeding customer expectations, and providing solutions that solve business problems. We work directly with logistics and engineering professionals to design software that is easy and intuitive to use, and meets all of your contractual requirements.
Our products are constantly evolving to ensure that they are cost effective and compliant with existing and emerging government and commercial specifications.
Whether it is Performance Based Logistics, S1000D, MIL-STD-40051, or GEIA-STD-0007, we are here to help.
Vision Statement
Keeping Product Support Simple
Mission Statement
To provide integrated tools to create, modernize and sustain products throughout the product life cycle.
A Brief History of EAGLE
1985-86: LSA FLAME TM Extractor/Formatter
1994-95: ALP Automated Logistics Process AMRAAM ALPS Pilot
1997-99: Re-designed ALP as EAGLE 1st Commercial MMIS Sale
2003: First EAGLE Users Conference
2007: EAGLE Publishing System EAGLE Web
2014: First reseller “Reliass” contract added
2015-17: EAGLE Codification Tool Globalization Support
2018: SSO Support
2019: ATA 1000BR Support and STE Integration with Etteplan EAGLE Publishing Engine